I love Halloween! Candy, costumes, and horror stories/movies? Sign me up!
Now, I'm to old to go trick or treating but I enjoy the night of Halloween movies and passing out candy. I also enjoy dressing up, this year I am dressing up as a student at Hogwarts this year. But my favorite part of this time of year is the ghost stories. But why? Well, we've been talking about this in my English class. Here's a little something I had to write for the class:
Society's Insatiable Appetite for Fright
Its October! Halloween is just around the corner and in my English class we've been discussing the idea of horror stories and movies. We've been reading short stories and poems by Edgar Allan Poe, the man some call the father of horror. Poe’s poem about a man driven insane and killed by his own fear and insanity is one of the most famous poems in American culture.
There is a whole industry dedicated to scaring the crap out of people, everything from scary movies to haunted houses. According to the Hustle, "The National Retail Federation says people will spend around $6.9 billion dollars for Halloween this year. And Hauntworld -- the haunted house publication that's the industry bible -- estimates around $400 million of that will be on haunted attractions." That is a lot of money and that isn't even accounting for the money horror films make. What is it about the horror industry that makes it so popular?
I know for me I like things like this for the rush, the sensation of tricking your body into thinking there's danger when you know you will be perfectly fine. And my research backs this up. According to the Daily Beast, "A 1995 study found that the higher people score on a scale that measures sensation seeking, the more they like horror films."
My Fears and My Appetite for Fright:
When It comes to horror, I'm not always the bravest. I hate haunted things. But I love a good scary story, particularly ghost stories.
As for fears, they go as follows:
Bugs, specifically centipedes and those kind of bugs
And I don't know if this is a fear so much as something I'm paranoid about and thats being followed.
What are your fears and what is your appetite for fear?
Happy Early Halloween, Hope you have a great day,
Bugs, specifically centipedes and those kind of bugs
And I don't know if this is a fear so much as something I'm paranoid about and thats being followed.
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