Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Dear Clowns

Dear Clowns,

What the hell? Why? I mean I'm laughing on the outside but I'm terrified on the inside. I feel like I'm trapped in a Batman movie. 

Today my school received a clown threat via social media. It was obviously a hoax but we still went into a soft lock down as a precautionary measure.  People at my school actually had to waste time checking for a clown on campus.  This is an actual thing that actually happened.  

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about here is a link to a news story about it:
From this it has just spiraled out into this giant national (United States) prank.

It shut down two schools in my state recently:

This just so ridiculous. SO RIDICULOUS! Like who woke up this morning and said, I'm gonna make fake threats about a clown coming to harm high school students? Like honestly?  Who and why?

I know this is just trolls being trolls.  It just spiraled out of control.  Part of me finds it hilarious and the other part of me just feels like seriously guys?

Anyways sorry this is so short and random.  Its just something that occurring around me this week. I am planning on getting into a regular schedule eventually.       

Anyways, I hope you have a fun, clown-free day,


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